OODuck  0.5
C Oriented Object framework with duck-typing support
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CObjectBase class for everything
 CClassClass used to build new class dynamically
 CSingletonSingleton metaclass
 CIterableAbstract class which allow to iterate over object
 CCollectionCollection of item
 CHashmapHashmap implementation
 CListList implementation
 CIterableNodeAbstract class to encapsulate item objects
 CCollectionNodeCollection item
 CListNodeListNode implementation
 CIteratorObject used to iterate over Iterable
 CStringString utility class
 CValueClassic C types encapsulation
 CVTableEntryEntry for dynamic VTable
 CRuntimeErrorBaseclass for all exceptions
 CAbstractErrorRaised when an abstract class is instanciated
 CNotImplementedErrorRaised when function or method isn't implemented