Message-Passing between tasks with mailboxes ============================================ **trio** provides a mechanism to exchange messages between asynchronous tasks. The **triotp** mailbox is an abstraction of that mechanism. This abstraction can be used without the rest of **triotp**. In this tutorial, we'll see how it works. Initializing the mailbox registry --------------------------------- This step is done automatically when a node starts, but it is required if you want to use it standalone: .. code-block:: python from triotp import mailbox import trio async def main(): mailbox._init() Creating a mailbox ------------------ There is 2 ways of creating a mailbox: .. code-block:: python async def your_task(): mid = mailbox.create() # do stuff await mailbox.destroy(mid) Or: .. code-block:: python async def your_task(): async with as mid: # do stuff The `mid` variable holds a unique reference to the mailbox. But it can be hard to pass this reference between tasks. Therefore, you can register a name referencing this identifier: .. code-block:: python async def your_task(): mid = mailbox.create() mailbox.register(mid, 'foo') # do stuff await mailbox.destroy() Or: .. code-block:: python async def your_task(): async with'foo'): # do stuff Sending and receiving messages ------------------------------ In this example, we create a mailbox, wait for a single message, then close it: .. code-block:: python from triotp import mailbox import trio async def consumer(task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED): async with'foo') as mid: task_status.started(None) message = await mailbox.receive(mid) print(message) async def producer(): await mailbox.send('foo', 'Hello World!') async def main(): async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: await nursery.start(consumer) nursery.start_soon(producer)