David Delassus

CEO & Co-Founder at Link Society


December 16th, 1993

Lille, France

5 days / week

550€ / day

DevOps Engineer

📝 Bio

I’m an autodidact software developer since 2005, with a high interest in Cloud Computing, Automation, and building softwares that are easy to setup and easy to use.

I believe in Open Source, stigmergy and people’s potential for the best.

I am currently working on:

Github Contributions
Github contributions chart

📰 Articles

Read more on: LinuxFR Medium

🤹 Skills

Operating SystemWindows, Linux, BSD
Programming LanguagesC, C++, Python (2.7+, 3.4+), Go, Rust, Javascript (ES5, ES6), Erlang, Elixir, PHP (5, 7), Shell Scripting, Perl, Lua, Java, Assembly x86
Frontend LibrariesVueJS, React, EmberJS, jQuery, ExtJS
Backend LibrariesDjango, Flask, ExpressJS, Socket.IO, Phoenix
System AdministrationAnsible, Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker
Continuous Integration & DeploymentJenkins, Rundeck, ArgoCD, Tekton, Github Actions, Datapio
SupervisionNagios, Shinken, Centreon, Icinga, Zabbix, Prometheus, Kubirds
DatabasesPostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Riak
Big Data & Machine LearningElasticSearch, SolR, Tensorflow, scikit-learn, IPython (Jupyter), Talend
Web ServersApache2, Nginx, lighttpd
High AvailabilityHAProxy, Traefik, Keepalived, MetalLB
VirtualizationVirtualBox, libvirt, Xen, VMWare
OtherOpenLDAP, RabbitMQ, Kafka

📢 Languages


📅 Experience

July 2017Link Society
On goingCEO & Co-Founder

Context: Software Editor


  • Development of a Patient Follow-Up software for Radiology departments: SPRadio
  • Development of a mobile application for the organization 3-6-9-12
  • Development of a Continuous Integration and Deployment platform: Datapio
  • Development of a Dockerized Supervision engine: Kubirds
  • Teaching courses (with ESTIAM and/or SUPINFO)
  • Marketing strategy & Business Development
  • Development of a Kubernetes as a Service platform based on k0s
April 2023European Commission
On goingFreelance DevSecOps engineer

Context: System administrator


  • Development and maintainance of the infrastructure
  • Automating deployment workflows
December 2021Goveni
March 2023Freelance Backend engineer

Context: Financica accounting application


  • Python Backend development
  • AWS infrastrucure management with Terraform
July 2018PROXIAD
September 2020Freelance DevOps Engineer

Context: DevOps engineer for the Retail teams at Decathlon


  • Weekly delivry of internal applications in Pre-Production environments
  • Automation of Integration and Deployment workflows
  • Coaching of developers on Production Deployment workflows
  • Development/Pre-Production/Production infrastructure management
  • Micro Service infrastructure management (secret management, CI/CD, …)
April 2018PROXIAD
June 2018Freelance Python Developer / System Administrator

Context: Feature Development for Big Data projects at IT-CE


  • Implementation of an automated deployment solution of Python/R environments on an Hadoop/Spark based infrastructure
  • Tooling Documentation
March 2017Scille
March 2018Freelance Python Developer

Context: Feature development for the projects of the software editor Scille with the Ministère de l’intérieur and the Ministère de la défense


  • Implementation of replication between MongoDB and PostgreSQL for the Analytics team of the SIAEF project at the DGEF
  • Improvements on the test suite of the SIAEF project
  • Implementation of a PostgreSQL backend for the Open Source secure cloud software Parsec
  • Implementation of folder synchronization for Parsec
2019Freelance Teacher

Context: 4th and 5th year university courses


  • C Development for Arduino
  • Advanced Javascript Development
  • Web Development with Symfony
  • Prestashop plugin development
  • Linux System Administration
  • Advanced Network Architecture
  • Data Transformation and integration with Talend
  • Data Visualization
November 2016ELONET
February 2017Freelance PHP / Python Developer

Context: Feature Development for the projects of the software editor ELONET


  • Development of plugins for Dolibarr
  • Development of a monitoring solution to observe access to mails attached files
  • Development of an alerting system for the decentralized supervision software: Decmon
2015Freelance Teacher

Context: First-year university courses


  • C & Python training with classrooms of 30 students on average
July 2013Capensis
November 2016Python Software Developer / System Administrator / Trainer

Context: Development of an Open Source hypervisor: Canopsis


  • Development of data collectors for Canopsis
  • Development of processing engines for Canopsis
  • Development of widgets for the Web UI of Canopsis
  • Implementation of installation procedure of Canopsis (shell based, then Ansible)
  • Installation on end-user’s infrastructure (RATP) and application management
  • Documentation of the installation and exploitation procedure of Canopsis for RATP
  • End-user training for Canopsis at RATP
  • Quality Assurance procedure with end-users at RATP
  • Development of a Graph Database for a universal CMDB
  • Python training with Pôle Emploi during many POE
  • Implementation of High Availability for Canopsis
November 20119h37 SAS
June 2013Python Software Developer

Context: Internship at the software development division


  • Development of internal tooling for sales and IT teams
  • Implementation of CPS (Carte de professionnel Santé) based authentication in Ubinect, with LemonLDAP::NG
  • Development of statistical views in Ubinect